Know! Parent Tip Sign-Up

Support Children's Positive, Healthy Choices

Take the Pledge and automatically become part of the solution.

By taking the Pledge you will receive tips and information on how to help. To join, just take the Pledge:

  1. I will talk to the children I know to make sure they know that I support their positive choices and am here to assist them in resisting negative influences.
  2. I will not support underage consumption of alcohol, tobacco or other drugs.
  3. I will adhere to the law and health guidelines surrounding the use of alcohol and other drugs.

By providing us with your contact information, you will optionally receive two monthly Parent Tips, which contain current drug facts and serve as a reminder to have an on-going conversation with youth about not using alcohol, tobacco or other drugs.

Tell us about yourself

If you’d like to discuss a more active role in Know! for yourself, your business or your organization, please Contact Us.

Contact Information
First Name * Required
Last Name * Required
City * Required
State * Required
County * Required
Email * Required
I also wish to subscribe to the Drug-Free Action Alliance News Letter.
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